Chrono-environnement - UMR 6249 CNRS/UFC
Campus de la Bouloie
16 rue de Gray
25030 Besançon cedex
Philippe Henry
Assistant Professor – UFC
philippe.henry@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-univ-fcomte.fr
room -128L (La Bouloie)
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Journal articles
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- Victor Frossard, Lotfi Aleya, Aurélien Vallet, Philippe Henry, Jean-Baptiste Charlier. Impacts of nitrogen loads on the water and biota in a karst river (Loue River, France). Hydrobiologia, 2020, 847 (11), pp.2433-2448. ⟨10.1007/s10750-020-04264-4⟩. ⟨hal-02550715⟩
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- Ross K. Stevenson, Philippe Henry, Clément Gariépy. Isotopic and geochemical evidence for differentiation and crustal contamination from granitoids of the Berens river subprovince, Superior province, Canada.. Precambrian Research, 2009, 168 (1-2), pp.123-133. ⟨hal-00383239⟩
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- Amadou Soumaila, Philippe Henry, Z. Garba, Michel Rossy. REE patterns, Nd–Sm and U–Pb ages of the metamorphic rocks of the Diagorou–Darbani greenstone belt (Liptako, SW Niger): implication for Birimian (Palaeoproterozoic) crustal genesis, in The Boundaries of the West African Craton.. Special Publication - Geological Society of London, 2008, 297, pp.19-32. ⟨hal-00383243⟩
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Other publications
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- Charles Cartannaz, Patrick Rolin, Alain Cocherie, Philippe Henry, Michel Rossy. Notice explicative de la carte géologique d'Aubusson (n°667) au 1/50.000.. 2009. ⟨hal-00433123⟩
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- Patrick Rolin, Vincent Thiery, Charles Cartannaz, Alain Cocherie, Michel Rossy, et al.. Notice explicative de la carte géologique de Felletin (n°691) au 1/50.000. 2009. ⟨hal-00433129⟩
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- Patrick Rolin, Charles Cartannaz, F. Salen, Philippe Henry, B. Delwalle, et al.. Notice explicative de la carte géologique de St-Sulpice-des-Champs (n°666) au 1/50.000.. 2007. ⟨hal-00383247⟩
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