Chrono-environnement - UMR 6249 CNRS/UFC
Campus de la Bouloie
16 rue de Gray
25030 Besançon cedex
Palynology / Holocene palaeoenvironments / Archaeoecology / Bioarchaeology / Palaeoecology
Developing and adapting palynological analyses to reconstruct the history of plant cover in relation to the construction and evolution of socio-ecosystems. Characterising and quantifying the impact of agro-pastoral activities in Western Europe, Mediterranean Europe and Central Asia. Biomarkers of pastoralism (pollen and fungal spores).
Within the unit’s Technological Platform for the Study of Ancient and Present Environments (PEA²t): responsibility for the ‘Sampling and Storage’ Pole (PES).
Since September 2022 I have been deputy director of the Chrono-environment research unit.
Projects :
- ANR REPAST (2020-2024)Saône/Rhône inter-regional RCP (2022-2025)
- DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté) (co-responsible for the “Plaine des Tilles” window).
- Centre de Recherche Archéologique Européen du Mont-Beuvray (Mont-Beuvray European Archaeological Research Centre), co-leader of the “Mont-Beuvray Palaeoenvironment” workshop.