Chrono-environnement - UMR 6249 CNRS/UFC
Campus de la Bouloie
16 rue de Gray
25030 Besançon cedex

Manuel Grivet

Assistant Professor – UFC

manuel.grivet@-Code to remove to avoid
room 313K (La Bouloie)

Chemistry, Interactions between radiation and matter

After studying the damage caused by the passage of heavy ions in minerals, in the context of thermochronology using traces of uranium fission, and then the storage of nuclear waste, my research focused on the storage of tritiated water in a zeolite matrix. The radiolysis generated by tritium beta particles leads to the formation of products that disappear synchronously in zeolite 4A by recombination. It is the primary mechanism of this recombination that needs to be clarified in order to optimise the phenomenon. (in collaboration with the CEA’s DAM, Valduc).

Current projects: Study of H2/O2 recombination in zeolite 4A, for tritiated water storage – UFC/CEA


Journal articles


Caroline Chambelland, Manuel Grivet, Joharimanitra Randrianandraina, Christophe Ramseyer, Jean-Emmanuel Groetz, et al.. L’eau tritiée fait sa propre radiolyse. L'Actualité Chimique, 2021, La chimie sous rayonnement, 460-461. ⟨hal-03474987⟩
Accès au bibtex
Caroline Chambelland, Didier Ducret, Joharimanitra Randrianandraina, Manuel Grivet, Christophe Ramseyer, et al.. Vers une compréhension fine du devenir de l'eau tritiée adsorbée sur zéolithe.. Chocs, 2021, 15. ⟨hal-03474999⟩
Accès au bibtex
Joharimanitra Randrianandraina, Manuel Grivet, Christophe Ramseyer, Jean-Emmanuel Groetz, Bruno Cardey, et al.. Adsorption Study of Main Gas Products from Water Radiolysis on 4A Zeolite by Numerical Simulations. Fusion Science and Technology, 2021, 77 (1), pp.19-25. ⟨10.1080/15361055.2020.1842680⟩. ⟨hal-03136472⟩
Accès au bibtex
Joharimanitra Randrianandraina, Michael Badawi, Bruno Cardey, Manuel Grivet, Jean-Emmanuel Groetz, et al.. Adsorption of water in Na-LTA zeolites: an ab initio molecular dynamics investigation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23 (34), pp.19032-19042. ⟨10.1039/D1CP02624K⟩. ⟨hal-03474915⟩
Accès au bibtex