Chrono-environnement - UMR 6249 CNRS/UFC
Campus de la Bouloie
16 rue de Gray
25030 Besançon cedex

Marine Rousseau

Postdoctoral Researcher

marine.rousseau@-Code to remove to avoid
room -123M

Paleoenvironment, palynology, sedimentology, lake sediments, multi-proxy analyses

I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Chrono-environnement laboratory (UMR6249) in Besançon. The aim of this work is to reconstruct the paleovegetation of the Vix watershed (Côte-d’or) based on palynological analyses of sediments from former meanders of the Seine. During my thesis, my work focused on reconstructing the evolution of vegetation and the dynamics of sedimentary flows by studying a set of lacustrine records from the Croatian Kvarner Archipelago. The aim of this thesis project was to specify climate change, the development of human occupations and the impact of agropastoral practices on the islands of Krk and Cres. What I like about my research is that it uses a multi-proxy approach and is largely interdisciplinary (teamwork with archaeologists, anthropologists, historians…).

Current projects :

  • IATEKA project – Interdisciplinary approach to the territorial evolution of the Kvarner archipelago (Croatia)
  • ArcheoGeoVix project – Archaeology Geology Vix.

Productions :
Book chapters :

Čaušević-Bully, M., Massa, C., Rousseau, M., Bichet, V., Richard, H., & Novak, M. (2022). Man and his environment. The interdisciplinary approach to the evolution of the island territories of the Kvarner archipelago (Croatia). Antiquité Tardive, 29, 57-68.

Communication with proceedings in an international congress: Rousseau, M., Dietre, B., Bichet, V., & Massa, C. Le temps long de la construction des territoires de l’archipel croate du Kvaner (ıle de Krk et Cres). Premieres contributions. In The Mediterranean Palynological Societies Symposium 2019. Abstract book. (p. 121). Bordeaux University. Oral.

Rousseau, M., Bichet, V., Massa, C., Causevic-Bully M., Gauthier E., Didier J., Richard H. The construction of territories on the Croatian Kvarner archipelago (Krk and Cres Island). First results. Quaternary12, 2020. Paris- Aubervilliers. Poster.

Paper with proceedings in a national conference:

Rousseau, M., Massa, C., Čaušević-Bully, M., Novak, M., Bichet, V., & Richard, H. (2021, November). Settlement of the Kvarner archipelago (northern Adriatic): archeology, anthropology and environment. In 27th edition of the Réunion des Sciences de la Terre.

Seminars, study days or round table :

Rousseau, M., Bichet, V., Massa, C., Causevic-Bully M., Gauthier E., Didier J., Richard H. Lacustrine sedimentary record of agricultural activities on the island of Cres (Croatia) between the 1st century B.C. and the 10th century A.D. Workshop L’Adriatique entre Antiquité tardive et haut Moyen Âge: espace d’échange d’idée et de modèles, 2022. Besançon, France.

Rousseau, M., Bichet, V., Massa, C., Causevic-Bully M., Gauthier E., Didier J., Richard H. Late Iron Age to early Medieval cultural transitions and land use changes on the Island of Cres (northeastern Adriatic). Tetra Round Table, 2021. Besançon.

Rousseau, M., Bichet, V., Massa, C., Causevic-Bully M., Gauthier E., Didier J., Richard H. Climatic variability and anthropogenic impact on the Croatian Kvarner archipelago (Krk and Cres Island). First results. VIe Rencontres doctorales de l’École européenne de Protohistoire de Bibracte (EEPB, 2020), Centre européen d’archéologie de Bibracte.

Rousseau, M., Bichet, V., Massa, C., Causevic-Bully M., Gauthier E., Didier J., Richard H. Climate variability and anthropogenic impact on the Croatian Kvarner archipelago (Krk and Cres islands) First results. Journée des doctorants, 2020. Besançon, France.

Rousseau, M., Bichet, V., Massa, C., Causevic-Bully M., Gauthier E., Didier J., Richard H. Le temps long de la construction des territoires de l’archipel Croate du Kvarner (îles de Krk et Cres). Premiers résultats. ECORD summer school “Subduction Zone Processes: Magma, Volcanoes, Ore Deposits, Geohazards”, 2019. MARUM Centrum, Germany.

Rousseau, M., Bichet, V., Massa, C., Causevic-Bully M., Gauthier E., Didier J., Richard H. Le temps long de la construction des territoires de l’archipel Croate du Kvarner (îles de Krk et Cres). Premiers résultats. Trajectories Summer School, 2019. Joseph Fourier PACTE Alpine Station.

Rousseau, M., Bichet, V., Massa, C., Causevic-Bully M., Gauthier E., Didier J., Richard H. Le temps long de la construction des territoires de l’archipel Croate du Kvarner (îles de Krk et Cres). Premiers résultats. DANUBIUS project “Archaeology of the Late Antique Balkans” summer school, 2019. Lille.

Rousseau, M., Diètre, B., Bichet, V., Massa, C., Causevic-Bully M., Gauthier E., Didier J., Richard H. Le temps long de la construction des territoires de l’archipel croate du Kvarner (îles de Krk et Cres). Journée des doctorants, 2018, Besançon.


Journal articles


Marine Rousseau, François Demory, Cécile Miramont, Elodie Brisset, Frédéric Guiter, et al.. Palaeoenvironmental change and glacier fluctuations in the high Tian Shan Mountains during the last millennium based on sediments from Lake Ala Kol, Kyrgyzstan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2020, 558, pp.1-12. ⟨10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109987⟩. ⟨hal-02935639⟩
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Conference papers


Marine Rousseau, Charly Massa, Morana Čaušević-Bully, Mario Novak, Vincent Bichet, et al.. Settlement of the Kvarner archipelago (northern Adriatic): archeology, anthropology and environment. 27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, SGF, CNRS, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon ou l’étude de la Terre, des planètes et de l’environnement, Nov 2021, Lyon, France. ⟨hal-03588198⟩
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Poster communications


Christelle Batiot-Guilhe, Aubin Alliès, Guillaume Artigue, Pierre-Alain Ayral, Vincent Bailly-Comte, et al.. Long term monitoring of a Mediterranean karst system used for water supply. Implication for the characterization and modelling of its dynamics. Case of the Lez karst system (MEDYCYSS Observatory). Eurokarst 2022 - 3rd European Conference on Karst Hydrogeology and Carbonate Reservoirs, Jun 2022, Malaga, Spain. , 2022. ⟨hal-03715027⟩
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