Chrono-environnement - UMR 6249 CNRS/UFC
Campus de la Bouloie
16 rue de Gray
25030 Besançon cedex
Manon Gautrelet
Attaché temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche – UFC
manon.gautrelet@-Code to remove to avoid
bureau -109M (La Bouloie)
Article dans une revue
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- Gérald Umhang, Alain C Frantz, Hubert Ferté, Christine Fournier Chambrillon, Manon Gautrelet, et al.. Surveys on Baylisascaris procyonis in two of the three French wild raccoon populations. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 2024, 23, pp.100928. ⟨10.1016/j.ijppaw.2024.100928⟩. ⟨anses-04546339⟩
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- Manon Gautrelet, Jean-François Gerard, Rémi Helder, Pascal Fournier, Christine Fournier-Chambrillon, et al.. First look on the home range, movement, and habitat selection of the invasive Northern raccoon (Procyon lotor) in France through two contrasted populations. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 2023, 70 (1), pp.7. ⟨10.1007/s10344-023-01756-1⟩. ⟨hal-04389841⟩
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- Jérémy Larroque, Pascale Chevret, Juliette Berger, Sandrine Ruette, Tim Adriaens, et al.. Microsatellites and mitochondrial evidence of multiple introductions of the invasive raccoon Procyon lotor in France. Biological Invasions, 2023, 25, pp.1955-1972. ⟨10.1007/s10530-023-03018-2⟩. ⟨mnhn-04003808⟩
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