Chrono-environnement - UMR 6249 CNRS/UFC
Campus de la Bouloie
16 rue de Gray
25030 Besançon cedex


Associate researcher

remy.jeannot@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-univ-fcomte.fr
+33 (0)6 83 01 56 77, room -117M

Archaeologist – Palaeosiderurgist

Fields: Archaeology, Palaeometallurgy, Dendro-Anthracology

For a number of years now, I’ve been working as a specialist in palaeometallurgy, alternating between archaeological digs and laboratory studies, between private employers, INRAP and CNRS. These jobs have enabled me to take part in a number of research projects looking at the interactions between iron and steel production, environments and ancient societies.

Current projects:

– La Farga del Madriu (UNESCO) – Archaeological excavations, restoration and enhancement.
– Multi-year study of the production witnesses of the Carreau St Barbe mining forge
(St Marie-Aux-Mines)
– Synthesis of the contributions of preventive archaeological operations on the production
Entrains-sur-Nohain: Information systems, dendro-anthracology,

Publications: researchgate.net/profile/Remy-Jeannot