Chrono-environnement - UMR 6249 CNRS/UFC
Campus de la Bouloie
16 rue de Gray
25030 Besançon cedex

Julie Albaric

Maîtresse de Conférences – Université de Franche-Comté

julie.albaric@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-univ-fcomte.fr
+33 (0)3 81 66 63 69, bureau -211L (La Bouloie)

ORCID logo 0000-0001-7275-554X   HAL logo julie-albaric


Géophysique environnementale – Sismologie – Tectonique – Hydrogéologie – Monitoring des réservoirs


Mes travaux de recherche portent sur la déformation et les transferts de fluides dans la croûte terrestre, en particulier sur la relation entre les fluides et la sismicité. J’étudie la dynamique des réservoirs géologiques (karst, géothermie, permafrost) soumis à des forçages naturels ou anthropiques, en m’appuyant principalement sur des méthodes géophysiques, notamment la sismique passive.



Article dans une revue


Anthony Abi Nader, J. Albaric, M. Steinmann, C. Hibert, J-P Malet, et al.. Machine learning prediction of groundwater heights from passive seismic wavefield. Geophysical Journal International, 2023, 234 (3), pp.1807-1818. ⟨10.1093/gji/ggad160⟩. ⟨hal-04100453⟩
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https://ube.hal.science/hal-04100453/file/ggad160.pdf BibTex
Jordan Labbe, Hélène Celle, Jean-Luc Devidal, Julie Albaric, Gilles Mailhot. Combined Impacts of Climate Change and Water Withdrawals on the Water Balance at the Watershed Scale—The Case of the Allier Alluvial Hydrosystem (France). Sustainability, 2023, 15 (4), pp.3275. ⟨10.3390/su15043275⟩. ⟨hal-04272238⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04272238/file/sustainability-15-03275.pdf BibTex


Julie Albaric, Daniela Kühn, Matthias Ohrnberger, Nadège Langet, Dave Harris, et al.. Seismic Monitoring of Permafrost in Svalbard, Arctic Norway. Seismological Research Letters, 2021, ⟨10.1785/0220200470⟩. ⟨hal-03286889⟩
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I. Bouzid, D. Pino Herrera, M. Dierick, Y. Pechaud, V. Langlois, et al.. A new foam-based method for the (bio)degradation of hydrocarbons in contaminated vadose zone. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 401, pp.123420. ⟨10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123420⟩. ⟨hal-02962558⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-02962558/file/S0304389420314096.pdf BibTex
Christophe Larroque, Stéphane Baize, Julie Albaric, Hervé Jomard, Jenny Trévisan, et al.. Seismotectonics of southeast France: from the Jura mountains to Corsica. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 2021, 353 (S1), pp.1-47. ⟨10.5802/crgeos.69⟩. ⟨hal-03348930⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03348930/file/CRGEOS_2021__353_S1_A6_0.pdf BibTex
Thomas Leydier, Philippe Goncalves, Julie Albaric, Henri Leclère, Kevin Mahan, et al.. Seismic properties across an amphibolite- to greenschist-facies strain gradient (Neves area, eastern Alps, Italy): New considerations for shear zone imaging. Tectonophysics, 2021, 816, pp.1129 - 1149. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229005⟩. ⟨hal-03611383⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03611383/file/S0040195121002870.pdf BibTex


Mélanie Quenet, Hélène Celle-Jeanton, Olivier Voldoire, Julie Albaric, Frédéric Huneau, et al.. Coupling hydrodynamic, geochemical and isotopic approaches to evaluate oxbow connection degree to the main stream and to adjunct alluvial aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 577, ⟨10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.123936⟩. ⟨hal-02183326⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-02183326/file/S0022169419306560.pdf BibTex
C. Tiberi, Stephanie Gautier, C. Ebinger, S. Roecker, M Plasman, et al.. Lithospheric modification by extension and magmatism at the craton-orogenic boundary: North Tanzania Divergence, East Africa. Geophysical Journal International, 2019, 216 (3), pp.1693-1710. ⟨10.1093/gji/ggy521⟩. ⟨hal-02135241⟩
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https://hal.umontpellier.fr/hal-02135241/file/tiberietal2019.pdf BibTex


Benjamin Fores, C. Champollion, G. Mainsant, J. Albaric, A. Fort. Monitoring Saturation Changes with Ambient Seismic Noise and Gravimetry in a Karst Environment. Vadose Zone Journal, 2018, 17 (1), ⟨10.2136/vzj2017.09.0163⟩. ⟨hal-01860674⟩
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https://hal.umontpellier.fr/hal-01860674/file/vzj2017.09.0163.pdf BibTex
Mickael Rabin, Christian Sue, Andrea Walpersdorf, Pierre Sakic, Julie Albaric, et al.. Present‐day deformations of the Jura arc inferred by GPS surveying and earthquake focal mechanisms. Tectonics, 2018, Geodynamics, Crustal and Lithospheric Tectonics, and active deformation in the Mediterranean Regions, 37, pp.1-23. ⟨10.1029/2018TC005047⟩. ⟨hal-01919087⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-01919087/file/2018TC005047.pdf BibTex


A. Dobrynina, J. Albaric, Anne Deschamps, Julie Perrot, R.W. Ferdinand, et al.. Seismic wave attenuation in the lithosphere of the North Tanzanian divergence zone (East African rift system). Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2017, 58 (2), pp.253 - 265. ⟨10.1016/j.rgg.2016.03.016⟩. ⟨hal-01468001⟩
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David Harris, Julie Albaric, Bettina Goertz-Allmann, Daniela Kuehn, Sebastian Sikora, et al.. Interference suppression by adaptive cancellation in a high Arctic seismic experiment. Geophysics, 2017, 82 (4), pp.V201 - V209. ⟨10.1190/geo2016-0452.1⟩. ⟨hal-01693853⟩
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M. Plasman, Christel Tiberi, C. Ebinger, Stephanie Gautier, J. Albaric, et al.. Lithospheric low-velocity zones associated with a magmatic segment of the Tanzanian Rift, East Africa. Geophysical Journal International, 2017, 210 (1), pp.465-481. ⟨10.1093/gji/ggx177⟩. ⟨hal-01622078⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-01622078/file/plasmanGJI2017.pdf BibTex
S. Roecker, C. Ebinger, Christel Tiberi, G. Mulibo, R. Ferdinand-Wambura, et al.. Subsurface images of the Eastern Rift, Africa, from the joint inversion of body waves, surface waves and gravity: investigating the role of fluids in early-stage continental rifting. Geophysical Journal International, 2017, 210 (2), pp.931-950. ⟨10.1093/gji/ggx220⟩. ⟨hal-01622055⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-01622055/file/roeckerGJI2017.pdf BibTex
A. Weinstein, S. J. Oliva, C. J. Ebinger, S. Roecker, Christel Tiberi, et al.. Fault-magma interactions during early continental rifting: Seismicity of the Magadi-Natron-Manyara basins, Africa. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2017, 18 (10), pp.3662-3686. ⟨10.1002/2017GC007027⟩. ⟨hal-01667198⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-01667198/file/weinstein2017.pdf BibTex


J. Albaric, V. Oye, N. Langet, M. Hasting, I. Lecomte, et al.. Monitoring of induced seismicity during the first geothermal reservoir stimulation at Paralana, Australia. Geothermics, 2014, 52, pp.120 - 131. ⟨10.1016/j.geothermics.2013.10.013⟩. ⟨hal-01693871⟩
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Julie Albaric, Jacques Déverchère, Julie Perrot, Andrey Jakovlev, Anne Deschamps. Deep crustal earthquakes in North Tanzania, East Africa: Interplay between tectonic and magmatic processes in an incipient rift. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2014, 15 (2), pp.374-394. ⟨10.1002/2013GC005027⟩. ⟨insu-00985250⟩
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https://insu.hal.science/insu-00985250/file/ggg-Albaric20359.pdf BibTex


J. Albaric, Julie Perrot, Jacques Déverchère, Anne Deschamps, B. Le Gall, et al.. Contrasted seismogenic and rheological behaviours from shallow and deep earthquake sequences in the North Tanzanian divergence, East Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2010, 58 (5), pp.799-811. ⟨10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2009.09.005⟩. ⟨hal-00420599⟩
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Julie Albaric, Jacques Déverchère, Carole Petit, Julie Perrot, Bernard Le Gall. Crustal rheology and depth distribution of earthquakes: Insights from the central and southern East African Rift System. Tectonophysics, 2009, 468 (1-4), pp.28-41. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2008.05.021⟩. ⟨insu-00572452⟩
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Eric Calais, Nicolas d'Oreye, Julie Albaric, Anne Deschamps, Damien Delvaux, et al.. Strain accommodation by slow slip and dyking in a youthful continental rift, East Africa. Nature, 2008, 456, pp.783-787. ⟨10.1038/nature07478⟩. ⟨insu-00346693⟩
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Bernard Le Gall, Philippe Nonnotte, Joël Rolet, M. Benoit, Hervé Guillou, et al.. Rift propagation at craton margin. Distribution of faulting and volcanism in the North Tanzanian Divergence (East Africa) during Neogene times. Tectonophysics, 2007, 448 (1-4), pp.1-19. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.005⟩. ⟨insu-00267274⟩
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Communication dans un congrès


Christel Tiberi, Stephanie Gautier, Fleurice Parat, Julie Albaric, Cédric Gaucherel, et al.. Impacts of geodynamical processes on the socio-ecosystem of North Tanzania. Great African Rift Interdisciplinary Research Group 2022 Scientific meeting (GDR Rift Colloquium 2022 ), Nov 2022, Lyon, France. ⟨hal-03891618⟩
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Christophe Larroque, Stephane Baize, Julie Albaric, Herve Jomard, Jenny Trevisan, et al.. Diversité des processus sismogéniques dans le sud-est de la France.. 5e Rencontres Scientifiques et Techniques RESIF, 15-18 Novembre, Obernai, https://rst-resif-2021.sciencesconf.org/program, Nov 2021, Obernai, France. ⟨hal-03462820⟩
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Thomas Leydier, Philippe Goncalves, Henri Leclère, Julie Albaric, Kevin Mahan, et al.. How does seismic anisotropy evolve as a function of mineralogical and textural changes across ductile shear zones? - an experimental and modelling approach. 21st EGU General Assembly, 2019, Vienne, Austria. ⟨hal-03554266⟩
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Julie Albaric, Maxime Godano, Jacques Déverchère, Julie Perrot, Anne Deschamps, et al.. Focal mechanisms, stress field and crustal rheology in the North Tanzanian Divergence (East African Rift) inferred from local seismicity analysis. Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France. ⟨hal-00482059⟩
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https://hal.univ-brest.fr/hal-00482059/file/poster_albaric.pdf BibTex

Autre publication scientifique


Julie Albaric, Marc Steinmann, Anthony Abi Nader, Jean-Philippe Malet, Benjamin Fores, et al.. Monitoring hydro-géophysique des réservoirs d'eau souterraine dans le Jura. 2021, pp.5. ⟨hal-03662207⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03662207/file/Monitoring-hydro-geophysique-des-reservoirs-deau-souterraine-dans-le-jura.pdf BibTex

Poster de conférence


Anthony Abi Nader, Julie Albaric, Clément Hibert, Jean-Philippe Malet, Marc Steinmann. Underground River Monitoring from Seismic Waves with a Random Forest Algorithm. 5èmes Rencontres Scientifiques et Techniques Résif, Nov 2021, Obernai (67210), France. ⟨hal-03442153⟩
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Anthony Abi Nader, Julie Albaric, Marc Steinmann, Jean-Philippe Malet, Benjamin Pohl, et al.. Seismic and hydro-geophysical monitoring in the Jura mountains. 5èmes Rencontres Scientifiques et Techniques Résif, Nov 2021, Obernai (67210), France. ⟨10.5802/crgeos.69⟩. ⟨hal-03442422⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03442422/file/Poster_Resif_BCSF_2021.pdf BibTex


Christel Tiberi, Stéphanie Gautier, Fleurice Parat, Stéphanie Baudin, A. Clutier, et al.. Hazard in TAnzanian Rift project : how geodynamical processes can affect an ecosystem in terms of riks, education and population evolution. 7th International conference of the East African Rift, Dar El Salam, 8 octobre 2018, 2018, Dar El Salam, Tanzania. s.p., 2018. ⟨hal-03076561⟩
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Julie Albaric. Relations entre déformation active, rhéologie et magmatisme dans un rift continental : Etude sismologique de la Divergence Nord-Tanzanienne, Rift Est-Africain. Géophysique [physics.geo-ph]. Université de Bretagne occidentale - Brest, 2009. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00495984v2⟩
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https://theses.hal.science/tel-00495984/file/Albaric_These_09.pdf BibTex