Site de Montbéliard
UMR 6249 Chrono-environnement
4 place Tharradin,
25200 Montbéliard
Microbiologie du sol, relations sol-plantes-microorganismes, symbioses mycorhiziennes, pollutions, changements globaux
Mes activités de recherche portent sur les associations plantes micro-organismes et en particulier les symbioses mycorhiziennes et leurs réponses aux perturbations d’origines anthropiques, elles se répartissent dans deux axes principaux :
– Le premier s’intéresse aux rôles des associations plantes/micro-organismes sur l’impact et le devenir des contaminants dans les écosystèmes.
– Le deuxième axe porte sur le rôle des symbioses mycorhiziennes dans les réponses des écosystèmes tourbeux et forestiers aux changements climatiques.Ces travaux s’intègrent dans plusieurs sites observatoires : le SNO Tourbières (station de Frasne), le Living Lab Phytomanagement de Vieux-Charmont et l’observatoire sentinelle des forêts comtoises.
Projet en cours : ANR ECOPOLIS : Transformer une friche urbaine en un living lab durable et éducatif, basé sur une approche de phytomanagement réplicable
Article dans une revue
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- Geneviève Chiapusio, Philippe Binet, Coralie Bertheau, Pierrick Priault. Sphagnum physiological responses to elevated temperature, nitrogen, CO2 and low moisture in laboratory and in situ microhabitats: a review. Aquatic Ecology, 2022, ⟨10.1007/s10452-021-09924-8⟩. ⟨hal-03543468⟩
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- Louise Barberis, Serge Michalet, Florence Piola, Philippe Binet. Root fungal endophytes: Identity, phylogeny and roles in plant tolerance to metal stress. Fungal Biology, 2021, 125, pp.326-345. ⟨10.1016/j.funbio.2020.11.011⟩. ⟨hal-03160127⟩
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- Sébastien Gogo, Jean‐baptiste Paroissien, Fatima Laggoun-Défarge, Jean-Marc Antoine, Léonard Bernard‐jannin, et al.. The information system of the French Peatland Observation Service: Service National d’Observation Tourbières – a valuable tool to assess the impact of global changes on the hydrology and biogeochemistry of temperate peatlands through long term monitoring. Hydrological Processes, 2021, 35 (6), e14244, 8p. ⟨10.1002/hyp.14244⟩. ⟨hal-03253867⟩
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- Loïc Yung, Coralie Bertheau, Flavien Tafforeau, Cyril Zappelini, Benoit Valot, et al.. Partial overlap of fungal communities associated with nettle and poplar roots when co-occurring at a trace metal contaminated site. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 782, ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146692⟩. ⟨hal-03192784⟩
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- Louise Barberis, Wilfried Chevalier, Marie-Laure Toussaint, Philippe Binet, Florence Piola, et al.. Responses of the species complex Fallopia × bohemica to single-metal contaminations to Cd, Cr or Zn: growth traits, metal accumulation and secondary metabolism. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2020, 192 (11:673), ⟨10.1007/s10661-020-08627-1⟩. ⟨hal-02970917⟩
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- Philippe Binet, Soraya Rouifed, Vincent Jassey, Marie-Laure Toussaint, Geneviève Chiapusio. Experimental climate warming alters the relationship between fungal root symbiosis and Sphagnum litter phenolics in two peatland microhabitats. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2017, 105, pp.153-161. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.11.020⟩. ⟨hal-01408279⟩
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- Dorine Desalme, Jc Roy, Philippe Binet, Genevieve Chiapusio, Daniel Gilbert, et al.. Exposure Chambers for Studying the Partitioning of Atmospheric PAHs in Environmental Compartments: Validation and Calibration Using Experimental and Computational Approaches. Environmental Science and Technology, 2013, 47 (15), pp.8399-8407. ⟨10.1021/es4016266⟩. ⟨hal-01061489⟩
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- Dorine Desalme, Philippe Binet, Genevieve Chiapusio. Challenge in tracing the fate and effets of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon deposition in vascular plants. Environmental Science and Technology, 2013, 47, pp.3967-3981. ⟨hal-00925926⟩
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- Caroline Meyer, Dorine Desalme, Nadine Bernard, Philippe Binet, Marie-Laure Toussaint, et al.. Using testate amoeba as potential biointegrators of atmospheric deposition of phenanthrene (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) on "moss/soil interface-testate amoeba community" microecosystems. Ecotoxicology, 2013, 22 (2), pp 287-294. ⟨hal-01061490⟩
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- Dorine Desalme, Genevieve Chiapusio, Nadine Bernard, Daniel Gilbert, Marie-Laure Toussaint, et al.. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Infectivity in Two Soils as Affected by Atmospheric Phenanthrene Pollution. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2012, 223 (6), pp.3295 - 3305. ⟨hal-00707063⟩
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- Vincent E. J. Jassey, Geneviève Chiapusio, Daniel Gilbert, Marie-Laure Toussaint, Philippe Binet. Phenoloxidase and peroxidase activities in Sphagnum-dominated peatland in a warming climate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2012, 46, pp.49-52. ⟨hal-00682547⟩
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- Dorine Desalme, Philippe Binet, Nadine Bernard, Daniel Gilbert, Marie-Laure Toussaint, et al.. Atmospheric phenanthrene transfer and effects on two grassland species and their root symbionts: A microcosm study. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2011, 71, pp.146-151. ⟨hal-00695268⟩
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- Vincent E. J. Jassey, Geneviève Chiapusio, Daniel Gilbert, Alexandre Buttler, Marie-Laure Toussaint, et al.. Experimental climate effect on seasonal variability of polyphenol/phenoloxidase interplay along a narrow fen-bog ecological gradient in Sphagnum fallax. Global Change Biology, 2011, 17 (9), pp.2945-2957. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02437.x⟩. ⟨hal-00682513⟩
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- Vincent E. J. Jassey, Genevieve Chiapusio, Edward A. D. Mitchell, Philippe Binet, Marie-Laure Toussaint, et al.. Fine-scale horizontal and vertical micro-distribution patterns of testate amoebae along a narrow Fen/Bog gradient.. Microbial ecology, 2011, 61 (2), pp.374-385. ⟨10.1007/s00248-010-9756-9⟩. ⟨hal-00682493v2⟩
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- Vincent E. J. Jassey, Daniel Gilbert, Philippe Binet, Marie-Laure Toussaint, Geneviève Chiapusio. Effect of a temperature gradient on Sphagnum fallax and its associated living microbial communities: a study under controlled conditions.. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2011, 57 (3), pp.226-235. ⟨hal-00682501v2⟩
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- Badr Alaoui-Sossé, Bastien Gérard, Philippe Binet, Marie-Laure Toussaint, Pierre-Marie Badot. Influence of flooding on growth, nitrogen availability in soil, and nitrate reduction of young oak seedlings (Quercus robur L.). Annals of Forest Science, 2005, 62 (6), pp.593-600. ⟨10.1051/forest:2005052⟩. ⟨hal-02681971⟩
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Communication dans un congrès
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- Philippe Binet, Cathy Kuhn, Jordan Collot, Benjamin Pauget, Nicolas Kieffer, et al.. LIVING LAB DU PARC DES ALLIAIRES : UN SITE PILOTE DE RECHERCHE DE DIFFUSION DU PHYTOMANAGEMENT POUR LA REHABILITATION DES FRICHES INDUSTRIELLES. SEFA Besançon 2024, Frédéric GIMBERT, Jul 2024, Besançon, France. ⟨hal-04708233⟩
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- Jordan Collot, Philippe Binet, Coralie Bertheau, Lisa Ciadamidaro, Annette de Vaufleury, et al.. ECOPOLIS project: The transformation of a contaminated industrial wasteland into a living-lab based on a phytomanagement approach. Ecology & Evolution : New perspectives and Social challenges, SFE2, Nov 2022, Metz, France. ⟨hal-04738997⟩
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- Alexandre Lhosmot, Julien Bouchez, Marc Steinmann, Véronique Lavastre, Vanessa Stefani, et al.. The paradox of karstic peatlands: a combined hydrological and geochemical study in the Frasne peatland, French Jura Mountains. Eurokarst, Jun 2022, Malaga, Spain. ⟨hal-04844480⟩
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- Alexandre Lhosmot, Jean Sébastien Moquet, Laure Gandois, Julien Bouchez, Marc Steinmann, et al.. From water rock-interaction to methanogenesis: How climate induced raise of groundwater inputs might favor CH4 fluxes in the mid latitude/altitude Frasne peatland, Jura Mountains, France. Advancing Critical Zone science First OZCAR TERENO International Conference, Oct 2021, Strasbourg, France. ⟨10.13140/RG.2.2.13812.48009⟩. ⟨hal-03526712⟩
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- Alexandre Lhosmot, Louis Collin, Geneviève Magnon, Marc Steinmann, Catherine Bertrand, et al.. Characterization of nested water supplies in a mid latitude/altitude peatland using long-term monitoring data before and after restoration. The case study of the Frasne peatland (Jura Mountains, France). EGU21, Apr 2021, virtual, Austria. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1302⟩. ⟨hal-03526384⟩
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- Alexandre Lhosmot, Marc Steinmann, Jean-Sébastien Moquet, Laure Gandois, Philippe Binet, et al.. Peatlands as patchworks of water-rock and water-peat interactions: The case study of the Frasne peatland, Jura Mountains, France.. Goldschmidt2021, Jul 2021, Virtual, France. ⟨10.7185/gold2021.7112⟩. ⟨hal-03526336⟩
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- Guillaume Foursov, Coralie Bertheau-Rossel, Philippe Binet, Soraya Rouifed, Guillaume Meiffren, et al.. How do climate warming affect Sphagnum secondary metabolites?. International conference on ecological science, Oct 2018, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-02979010⟩
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- Guillaume Foursov, Soraya Rouifed, Philippe Binet, Coralie Bertheau, Vincent E J Jassey, et al.. Chemical interaction between mosses and mycorrhizal fungi of an Ericale species in peatland under climate warming. 8th World Congress of Allelopathy, Jul 2017, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-03538385⟩
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- Geneviève Chiapusio, Dorine Desalme, Sophie Pujol, Tan Bui Quyin, Nadine Bernard, et al.. Phenanthrene dissipation in rhizosphere and its translocation of grassland plants (Lolium perenne and Trifolium pratense) in three spiked soils. SETAC Europe : 20th Annual Meeting Science and technology for enviromental protection, May 2010, SEVILLE, Spain. pp.118. ⟨hal-00487992⟩
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- Dorine Desalme, Philippe Binet, Geneviève Chiapusio, Daniel Gilbert, Jean-Claude Roy, et al.. Atmospheric phenanthrene exposure of micro-ecosystems in experimental chambers. SETAC Europe : 20th Annual Meeting Science and Technology for Environmental Protection, May 2010, SEVILLE, Spain. pp.102. ⟨hal-00488111⟩
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Chapitre d'ouvrage
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- Genevieve Chiapusio, Dorine Desalme, Philippe Binet, François Pellissier. Carbon Radiochemicals (14C) and Stable Isotopes (13C): Crucial Tools to Study Plant-Soil Interactions in Ecosystems. Advances in Plant Ecophysiology Techniques, Springer International Publishing, pp.419-437, 2018, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-93233-0_25⟩. ⟨hal-02552726⟩
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Poster de conférence
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- Carole Bégeot, Julien Azuara, Lisa Beguinet, Eric Bernard, Coralie Bertheau-Rossel, et al.. Observatoire des forêts comtoises : Approche multiscalaire et multidisciplinaire pour comprendre le dépérissement forestier et ses conséquences sur les écosystèmes, les paysages et la société. Colloque international et interdisciplinaire : "Forêts en transitions. Concepts, méthodes, mesures et prospective", Jun 2024, Tours, France. . ⟨hal-04638939⟩
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- Criquet Stéven, Philippe Binet, Mathieu Luglia, Virgile Calvert, Marie-Laure Toussaint, et al.. Climate change simulation in peatland : characterization and spatio-temporal variations of Sphagnum peroxidase activities. International Conference on Ecological Sciences, SFÉcologie 2016, Oct 2016, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-01451513⟩
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- Geneviève Chiapusio, Bernard David, Sara Puijalon, Philippe Binet, Stéven Criquet. Dynamique des transferts et effets des Micropolluants Organiques persistants dans le fonctionnement d’une Tourbière alcaline en restauration. Université Savoie Mont Blanc. 2022. ⟨hal-04389153⟩
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